Corkscrew Road Widening
from Ben Hill Griffin Parkway to Alico Rd
Distance of 4.4 Miles
Widening from 4 Lanes to 6 lanes
Project Overview

Lee County is widening Corkscrew Road from Ben Hill Griffin Parkway to Alico Road, a distance of 4.4 miles.  The design of the roadway improvements consists of two phases: Phase 1, Ben Hill Griffin Parkway to Bella Terra Boulevard, and Phase 2, Bella Terra Boulevard to Alico Road.

Construction of Phase 1 began in summer 2021 with completion in summer 2024.  This project provides six lanes from Ben Hill Griffin Parkway to Fire House Lane and transitions to a four-lane roadway that extends east to Bella Terra Boulevard. The portion of the roadway from Fire House Lane to Bella Terra Boulevard is expandable to six lanes in the future. The roadway medians vary from 22 to 44 feet.  There are 11-foot-wide lanes and 4-foot-wide on-road bike lanes. 

Additionally, Lee County constructed a 6-foot sidewalk on the north side of the road from east of Grandezza to Midnight Blue Boulevard. The Village of Estero is scheduled to construct a 10-foot-wide pathway on both sides of the road for the portion of the project that falls within the Village boundaries – from Ben Hill Griffin Parkway to the eastern border of Grandezza (north side of the roadway) and from Ben Hill Griffin Parkway to the eastern border of Bella Terra (south side). The Village Council will determine details for the pathway, lighting and landscaping.

Phase 2 construction began in early 2024 and will build four lanes from Bella Terra Boulevard to Alico Road. Phase 2 also adds a traffic signal at Alico Road.  In this segment, Lee County will install core-level landscaping and street lighting. A 10-foot-wide shared-use path will be constructed on the south side of the roadway and a 6-foot-wide sidewalk on the north side of the roadway.  The construction of Phase 2 is anticipated to be completed in late 2026.

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