The project is being proposed in multiple phases to expedite construction (see phasing exhibit for phase limits). The initial phase, Phase 1 – from Ben Hill Griffin Parkway to Bella Terra, was previously permitted and right-of-way acquired and was “construction ready” quicker than Phase 2 to the east.

Phase 1 construction began in 2021 and is scheduled to be completed early 2024. The Phase 2 construction is scheduled to begin in early 2024 and be completed in late 2026.

As part of the design various alternative intersection concepts, including roundabouts, were evaluated but none were included in Phase I. The appropriate intersection control at each intersection will be determined based on safety, operational efficiency and cost.

Existing signals will remain in place and a new signal will be constructed at Alico Road which is in Phase 2.

There will be 4’ bike lanes on both sides of the roadway. The Village of Estero is planning to incorporate 10-foot-wide pathways on both sides for the entire limits within the Village boundaries, Ben Hill Griffin Parkway to the east side of Grandezza, on the north side and from Ben Hill Griffin Parkway to the east side of Bella Terra on the south side. The Village Council will determine the details for the pathway, lighting and landscaping. This work will occur after the roadway work is complete as it will require easements and permitting.

In Phase 2, from Bella Terra to Alico Road, Lee County will install core-level landscaping and street lighting. A 10-foot-wide shared-use path will be constructed on the south side of the roadway and a 6-foot-wide sidewalk on the north side of the roadway.

The EEPCO study analyzed the short-term improvements necessitated by several specific proposed developments. From that study a proportionate share agreement was reached requiring those developers to contribute their fair share to the proposed improvements. While these improvements are incorporated as part of this project the County is also evaluating long term needs of the corridor. Design for the current improvements are based on a design horizon year of 2045.

As part of the design the County completed a detailed Access Management analysis for the corridor. Not all developments and sideroads can be provided full access and/or signalization. Proposed access and signalization is based on safety and operational efficiency of the entire corridor. No new traffic signals will be installed as a part of Phase 1.  A new traffic signal will be installed at Alico Road as a part of Phase 2.

The I-75 interchange is under the jurisdiction of the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT).  Their most recent improvement project was completed in 2021.